Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Boy meets girl.
Boy likes girl.
Girl likes boy back!
Boy and girl then fall in love.
Boy and girl then get married and live happily ever after.

Thats how it's supposed to be, or at least how little girls are told it should be. But most of the time it's not. Boy likes the girl but then the girl isn't interested. He finds a new crush, she suddenly decides shes madly in love with him. In retrospect, its all just a game. But we play it anyway so we can get those wonderful moments that make it all worth it.

Now you are probably thinking this is going to be some deep post on love. Well its not. Its about how stupid relationships are when you are in middle school.
In elementary school relationships are "cute" and pretty much pointless
In highschool its accepted and don't normally amount to too much
In college perfectly normal and will probably end up as something serious.

But middle school? I mean honestly. Everyone is going through their awkward stages anyway, so why make it worse by handing all your emotions to some kid in your class?
I'm not in middle school anymore but I still think that middle school relationships have no purpose. I mean elementary kids defintely do not but they are so young and half of the time they don't know what they are doing. In middle school, you are perfectly aware of what you are doing and how stupid it is.
I've seen my friends be just heartbroken over a boy when they are twelve.

No wonder they say we grow up to fast these days.

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